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Bird of paradise can survive a brief cold snap -- as low as 24 F -- but not without damage. Learn how your comment data is processed. I have a Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) which has totally outgrown its pot (there are roots coming out of the base of the pot). How Often Do I Fertilize a Bird-of-Paradise Plant. Possibly miltoniopsis. share. Make sure you never give much water at once to prevent the Bird of Paradise plant from getting wet roots (which can cause the roots to rot). The white bird of paradise loves acidic soil, and is very drought tolerant that it makes a perfect addition in your xeric garden; you don’t have to water the shrubs every day to keep it alive. It makes a … While a sunroom may seem like the perfect spot, you’ll have to keep an eye on how hot it gets in there as well, since the combination of direct sunlight and intense heat can scorch the leaves. 87412 Once you have your cutting in hand, you can dust it with a growth hormone, especially if it doesn’t yet have roots of its own. To help take care of any mineral buildups in the soil, really flush the soil out with distilled or rain water twice a year. Perhaps your bird of paradise has become too crowded or you simply want to create additional plants for the garden or as gifts for friends. 16 Apr, 2010; Answers. Also, should I trim off the excess roots? Bird of Paradise plants can suffer from some of the usual problems that affect all indoor houseplants, such as overwatering leading to yellowing leaves or root rot. Hold the plant upright as you fill the pot the rest of the way. Dig out a portion of the rhizome from the soil, ensuring it looks healthy. If this is the case, you’ll have to make do with indirect sunlight or find a way to keep the temperature down. The Strelitzia’s potting soil should nearly always be slightly moist. While it can grow in different types of soil ranging from the rich to slightly acidic and even neutral, it’s loamy soil that the bird of paradise really desires. Clean the new pot thoroughly with hot water. The bird of paradise plant is named for its striking flower, which resembles a bird's crest. Posted by. The best way of keeping the soil slightly moist, is by regularly giving the plant small amounts of water. 1 year ago. When using compost, only use it as a top layer and be sure to keep it a couple inches away from the base of the stems to avoid accidentally burning them. Make sure the roots are submerged and the plant is able to stand upright on its own. Hold the bird of paradise horizontally, with one hand on the base of the plant or soil surface, and slide the plant out of its pot. tall white Bird Of Paradise plants that I re potted, also bought a new Orchid! Because birds of paradise perform best when root-bound, select a pot that is as small as possible for your purposes. Propagating Bird of Paradise . Birds of Paradise also like the soil to be more on the acidic side when it comes to pH. The main way to achieve this is to use peat moss in your potting mix, although the sustainability of this resource is debated. After all, this species grows in a clumping manner. Bird of Paradise plants originate from southern Africa. Bird of Paradise plants are heavy root feeders. Bird of paradise plant care | All about Strelitzia! If you grow yours outside during summer, make sure to take it back in as soon as autumn creeps in. Should I be worried? A blue-and-white Strelitzia or orange-yellow bird-of-paradise need soil that holds moisture without becoming soggy. I have two questions: What is the best soil mixture? Root-bound birds of paradise perform well when crowded, so there is no need to be concerned about them. What kind of compost or potting mix should I use to repot it? These towering beauties need around 6 hours of direct sunlight a day to thrive. Commercial potting soil Let your bird of paradise flower go dormant before deciding to repot it. We’ll go deeper into why below. 11. Bird of paradise plants will not live in flooded conditions, and it may take up to three months for the plant to establish itself in its new home. Houseplants forum: Bird of paradise repotting. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. If you want to give your plants even more nutrients for growth, you can use compost. If you have any more question about Bird of Paradise plant care or if you want to share your own experiences with these giant tropical beauties, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! report. Don’t forget to check out the list of amazing blooming houseplants. Bird of Paradise plants like their soil to be moist but not soggy. You’ll have to keep yours near a window or you won’t see much growth. Make sure that any planter you use for your houseplants always has a drainage hole to prevent excess water from causing issues. Separate a shoot with at least three leaves. They are found along coastal regions and riverbanks or enjoying some much needed shade at forest edges. I currently have a bird of paradise and is looking like it's getting close to repotting (roots coming through the bottom of the pot). Since Bird of Paradise plants are so popular, they are available in different varieties in many nurseries or online. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel today, so you do not miss any of my new videos about plant care, plant issues, self-watering planters, plant decor, and more. If dividing, carefully cut between sections with a clean, sharp knife. Keep the soil evenly moist except from November-February when your plant should be kept on the dry side. 86% Upvoted. Avoid transplanting enormous specimens, if possible. Let your bird of paradise flower go dormant before deciding to repot it. Root-bound birds of paradise perform well when crowded, so there is no need to be concerned about them. Medium water needs. Steps for Repotting a Plant . Strelitzia reginae is commonly known as the bird of paradise flower. The seeds contain high amounts of tannins and the leaves are reported to be sources of hydrocyanic acid, which is not uncommon in plants. If you do so, you may find some sunburn damage on the leaves at first but don’t panic! 10" Requires medium to high light. Loamy soil is well-drained and is naturally fertile. Bird of paradise is easy to propagate by dividing the underground rhizome when you repot it. However, in times of extreme heat and/or drought, even well-established plants need to be watered deeply to ensure proper growth. Signs of poisoning include vomiting, nausea, and drowsiness. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Also known as Bird of Paradise plants due to the shape of their spectacular flowers, these large-leaves tropicals are sure to catch anyone’s eye! They can be difficult to dig up and very heavy to move. Although some older leaves may be damaged in the transition, the new leaves will be better acclimated and will love all that extra sunlight. Intro: The bird of paradise plant, also called crane flowers, is a large tropical plant native to South Africa that an easy plant to care for that is low-maintenance. Bird of paradise loves moist, acidic soil, so water frequently during the growing season to keep the soil moist to the touch. Water the bird of paradise with between 2 and 3 gallons of water, until the soil in the pot is visibly well dampened. In this video, I am repotting overgrown and root-bound Bird of Paradise plant in a larger Lechuza self-watering planter so the plant can continue growing happily. Close. Fill in around the roots with additional potting soil until the soil level is even with the crown of the bird-of-paradise. Birds of paradise grow from a rhizome that can be divided and repotted to grow more flowers. The Best Soil for Bird of Paradise Flowers in Pots. Recently repotted my bird of paradise with soil/sand/vermiculite and moved it in front of a west window with a grow light. When it comes to repotting Bird of Paradise plants, you only need to do so every 18 to 24 months. Water the plants two or three days after repotting. The soil should be loose, not packed. Repotting a five year old Bird of Paradise plant from a 12" pot to a 14" pot in the early spring Frost, S. K., & Frost, P. G. H. (1981). Bird of Paradise plant care is demanding when it comes to lighting, which is why this species can sometimes be tricky to keep indoors. To propagate Bird of Paradise, all you need to do is take a cutting by severing a portion from the rhizome of a parent plant. In colder areas, the bird of paradise flower can be overwintered indoors during cooler months and moved out into the balcony garden for the summer. hide. Recently purchased two 5ft. If you’re looking for a houseplant that really steals the show like no other species can, you’ll love the genus Strelitzia. The top of the soil should be allowed to dry out a bit between waterings, especially in winter, so it’ll take some trial and error to find the perfect watering schedule. If an unexpected freeze is predicted, move the pot into a protected area, then cut frost-killed leaves at the soil line. Help! The cuts in the rhizomes need time to heal over before they can absorb water, so be sure to wait a couple of days. Be patient. The likely pollinators for this species are sunbirds, which may carry pollen on their feet as they hop from flower to flower to consume the nectar (Frost & Frost, 1981). @2015 - PenciDesign. The general guidance for repotting plants is to do it when they're growing strongly (usually in spring) as the roots will fill out the pot more quickly. However, even with the best Bird of Paradise plant indoor care, these plants can take between 3 and 5 years to flower. Place the bird of paradise gently into the pot. Tip: If you stick a chopstick into the soil, the top part should come out dry while the bottom still touches some moisture. Repotting a bird of paradise too often can disturb the roots and prevent the flower from blooming for as many as three years. Sunbird pollination of Strelitzia nicolai. Divide infrequently because crowded clumps produce the most blooms. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign. Leaves just started doing this? Tip: If you don’t feel like making your own soil mixture, you can also go for a premade African violet soil to plant your Strelitzia in. I watered it yesterday morning. Give them away or keep them for your own collection! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As soon as you see new growth pop up, that’s a clear sign the propagation attempt was successful. If you just like the foliage, however, feel free to propagate to your heart’s content! It's easy to grow and brings beautiful vertical aesthetics to any room it's in. You’ll be surprised how massive these plants can get in a small pot! Take a look at the steps for transferring your smaller plants into larger pots. Sturdy plastic nursery planters make a good choice and you can hide their ugliness with a decorative overpot. Place the bird of paradise into the tub or planting pot. 1/2. This south African native has glaucous banana-like leaves and bright architectural flowers. Good drainage is essential. It can also be grown from seed, but division is easier, as it can take months for the seeds to germinate. Here, they can grow up to 20 feet tall! Add additional soil if necessary after watering. It’s believed that the reason many Bird of Paradise plants never bloom indoors is because they don’t get enough direct sunlight, which is why some people try and keep them outdoors as much as possible when the weather allows it. Spring is the best time to move a bird of paradise to a new container. Of all possible things to try for treating a sick plant, repotting is one of the most radical and … Soil without roots in it stays wetter for longer so there's a risk the plant can be sat in damp soil for too long over the winter and this can cause root rot. Showering a big plant like a Strelitzia may be harder to do; you should be able to manage with smaller plants if you can get them to the sink or outdoors. Bird of paradise plants do not like soggy soil. Before you start digging, be sure you have a good spot for it. A regular shower is also much appreciated to clean dust off the leaves. Yes, according to the ASPCA, Bird of Paradise plants are toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. Tip: The most common Bird of Paradise species you’ll find for sale are Strelitzia reginae and nicolai, although there are some other species and cultivars out there. Loamy potting mix that has sand or perlite mixed through it will also help with drainage. Pure potting soil is too dense and can clump around the roots, making them unable to reach and take up water, so use a light and airy mix! The bird of paradise is a beautiful, showy plant that can grow very large. Their flowers are incredible to see! After all, this species grows in a clumping manner. Fertilize the transplanted bird of paradise with a water-soluble fertilizer. u/reidbenny. save. Mist everyday. Question- How often should I be repotting my bird of paradise plant? These plants can be sensitive to salt and other minerals in tap water, so, whenever possible, use distilled or rain water. Bird of Paradise Relocation Tips. This is because many Bird of Paradise plants are raised in greenhouses and are used to controlled environments and indirect sunlight. Water the soil until the excess drains from the bottom, forcing out any air pockets around the roots. References. Unless the soil itself is in an absolutely terrible condition it's far more likely the sickly appearance is being caused by another problem and repotting may make matters worse. Just remember to test the pH levels in the soil before you grow especially in the garden. Well-draining, fertile soil that has organic matter mixed in will help your plants thrive. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dig out a portion of the rhizome from the soil, ensuring it looks healthy. Soak your tools in 1 part bleach to 9 parts water after trimming. That’s the perfect time to water! Bird of paradise plants also like humidity and will grow more vigorously if the air is moist, but they can still manage in dryer environments as well. Tip: Love flowers? There are some issues that are more special to Bird of Paradise plant care, though, such as: One of the major issues with Bird of Paradise plant indoor care is that many plants don’t bloom, which is a shame since this species didn’t get its common name for nothing. Apply the fertilizer every two weeks to help the plant re-establish itself. best. These plants love heat and do best between 65 °F to 85 °F (18 °C to 30 °C). Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. The Bird of Paradise has long, leathery leaves with deep texture. Oecologia, 49(3), 379-384. Even when they are newly planted, they need to sufficiently dry out between waterings. Separate the roots gently from each division. Help! Never happened before. On plant Strelitzia reginae. If you want to be able to move around the larger indoor plants, you can place them on heavy-duty plant caddies and wheel them to the shower. Another reason a bird of paradise plant may yellow is from insufficient light. Interestingly, notes that Strelitzias are considered non-toxic to humans, stating that although ingestion can cause some gastrointestinal discomfort, it shouldn’t be outright dangerous. Feed every two weeks from March through September with a balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer. Place the pebbles in the bottom of the pot to aid drainage. Thanks. If your goal is to get your Bird of Paradise plants to flower, you might want to avoid doing any propagating. Your email address will not be published. Of course, you can add organic fertilizers or bone meal to any soil to enrich it. It requires very low watering, but not in a complete absence. If it is growing outdoors, it needs to come inside once the temperature is lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The bird of paradise is a unique flower that looks like a bright-colored bird in flight and is native to South Africa. 0 comments . Shovel 2 inches of potting soil into the base of the pot. I have looked online and only found American brand names which I don't recognise. The flower prefers full sun and moderate humidity. Propagation is also handy if an individual plant is becoming too large and difficult to handle. Soil should not be consistently flooded or soggy. Sort by. To propagate Bird of Paradise, all you need to do is take a cutting by severing a portion from the rhizome of a parent plant. Required fields are marked *. How to Transplant a Yellow Bird of Paradise, My Bird of Paradise Plant Is Not Blooming. Seagrass and jute plant baskets (Set of 2). Tugbrethil . Sunbird pollination of Strelitzia nicolai. Plant your Bird of Paradise in a mixture of sterile potting soil, peat moss, and sand with a liberal amount of bone meal added. When choosing a new planter, make sure it’s 2 to 4 inches larger in diameter to make plenty of room for new roots. Repotting a bird of paradise too often can disturb the roots and prevent the flower from blooming for as many as three years. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Bird of Paradise plant care and growing a Strelitzia in your own home. That’s why you have to be careful if you propagate your plants: they will spend energy healing instead of flowering, which will push that timeline back even further. They can be grown from seed but can take up to 10 years to flower when grown this way. Cut off any roots that have been damaged in the removal or dividing process. Tips & Warnings. If you’re in love with Bird of Paradise plants and want more, you can easily multiply yours. If your home doesn’t get so much direct sunlight, you can opt to move your plants outside during summer months. leecurtis89 Apr 19, 2020 11:03 AM CST . Archived. It’s not a must, though! Problems with Calathea | Yellow leaves, curling, drooping... Monstera adansonii care | Swiss cheese vine, Chinese money plant care & info | Pilea peperomioides. Just like with many indoor plants, Bird of Paradise plants like well-draining soil mixed with perlite or bark to help with drainage and aeration. Question- How often should I be repotting my bird of paradise plant? You can use a general fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season, then once a month or so during the winter months. Press the soil, but don’t pack it down hard. The best time to do this is during spring or summer when Strelitzias are growing vigorously. Remove your bird of paradise gently from the pot. How to Grow and Care for Bird of Paradise in Containers. Because their care is similar, all you need to do is decide if you want to be rewarded with orange, yellow, or white flowers when the plants finally bloom. Your email address will not be published. Make the division using a clean, sharp knife or scissors, making sure the cutting has a few shoots and roots. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Views: 106, Replies: 1 » Jump to the end. You can buy an orange blooming Strelitzia online here. Frost, S. K., & Frost, P. G. H. (1981). How to propagate string of hearts | Ceropegia... Brown tips on spider plant: Causes & solutions. Firm the soil surface lightly with your hands. All Right Reserved. Not surprising with how fast they grow when it’s sunny out! If a plant is too large to repot, you can top dress the soil by carefully removing the top few inches of soil and replacing it with new compost. Plant your cutting in moist soil and place the container in a warm spot. 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