3 km, with 20% flying >10 km and 1% flying >20 km; Taylor et al. Minnesota’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. 2008. 2005. Roberts, N. Djan-Chekar, and K.P. Tech. 72 pp. Fraxinus nigra L. var. 2007. Range extension of Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra Marsh., in Manitoba. (Beavers eating Black Ash would be considered in category 8.2, if it were considered a threat, which it is not. [accessed January 2017]. The effect of Emerald Ash Borer-caused tree mortality on forest regeneration. 70:2294-2302. This is not a major factor across the Canadian range. Herms, D.A., D.R. Rodgers, N. Brazee, B. Cooke, K.A. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Morgantown WV. The Acadian forest: historical condition and human impacts. Griffiths, H.M., W.A. 2014). Cottony Ash Psyllid. 10930 Deerfield Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242 513.322.5070. 2017). McKenney, D.W., J.H. Number of locations cannot be precisely quantified but may be best considered to be in the hundreds or thousands. Science. NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information). Whitehill, D.F. One noted in the literature is Cottony Ash Psyllid (Psyllopsis discrepans) (Ossiannilsson 1992). EAB has not yet spread widely enough within Canada to have greatly reduced the Canadian Black Ash population, but rapid spread of EAB and extensive mortality of Black Ash are expected in less than one generation (60 years). Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting. Dormancy and germination of Fraxinus seeds. Psyllids of Economic Importance. 1952. in Biology (Acadia University, Wolfville, NS) and a Ph.D. in Environmental Biology and Ecology (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB). 1993; Davidson-Hunt et al. obs. Knight, K.S., R.A. Ford, D.A. [accessed May 2016]. 1990. Emerald ash borer biocontrol in ash saplings: The potential for early stage recovery of North American ash trees. The wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate ash herbivores described under Interspecific Interactions is also likely limiting for Black Ash to some degree. 2000. Black Ash stand composition and structure in Carlton County, Minnesota. 2013. Jean Mercier, Forestry Technician, Direction des inventaires forestiers, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec, Québec QC. Genetic variability and inheritance of nuclear microsatellite markers in Minnesota’s Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) and Green Ash (F. pennsylvanica) with recommendations for the optimal seed sample size from individual trees (PDF). Tech. In general, a warming climate would be expected to move climate zones northward and enhance northward survival of a presumed climate-limited insect such as EAB (Dukes et al. The stout ascending branches form a narrow and open crown. It was inadvertently introduced to the Detroit, Michigan – Windsor, Ontario area in the 1990s, where it was first recognized in both Canada and the U.S.A. in 2002 (Haack et al. An occurrence approximately 70 km northwest of Winnipeg (-97.75ºW) represents the westernmost edge of Black Ash range in Canada. Non-timber forest products - Some targeted harvesting of species for firewood and for basketry, veneers, trims, often for Aboriginal purposes (George No Date). It is frequent on finer alluvial and peat and muck soils but is also documented on clayey loam, fine sands underlain by sandy till, and sands and loams underlain by lake-washed clayey till (as summarized in Gucker 2005). Subpopulations in the central part of the distribution have been devastated by Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive beetle. Sap flow of Black Ash in wetland forests of northern Minnesota, USA: hydrologic implications of tree mortality due to emerald ash borer. Even in large, healthy trees mortality can occur within three years, with modelling based on field observation suggesting 50% stand mortality after four years (Knight et al. There has been no recruitment into the 10+ cm diameter class recorded since 1980 and all 23 trees ever recorded are now dead (10 recorded as cut, 12 as standing dead, one with no record after 1965). Herbicide treatment is a common forest management practice throughout the Canadian range of Black Ash, with the exception of Quebec, where a provincial ban on forest herbicide use on public lands was enacted in 2001 (Kopra 2006). 2004. comm. Glyphosate has accounted for more than 90% of all forestry herbicide use in recent decades (Thompson and Pitt 2011). Dayton, P.K. 2012. Limited to 1500 units worldwide, The Black Ash is a fuzz/overdrive that takes some cues from the vintage 3-knob Tone Bender. 2010) and potential human-assisted expansions much greater than that (DeSantis et al. On June 5, 2003, the Species at Risk Act (SARA) was proclaimed. Email communication by Allan Harris to Sean Blaney regarding distribution and frequency of Black Ash in northern Ontario. Zim and A.L. Seeds are capable of germinating in leaf litter or in soil depths of up to 2 cm (Erdmann et al. 155(1):205-222. Wickware. Modeling the invasive emerald ash borer risk of spread using a spatially explicit cellular model. Chalara fraxinea was only described as a new species in 2006 after severe European Ash decline had been observed in several Northern European countries (Kowalski 2006). Gandhi, C.P. Black Ash on Anticosti Island, Quebec, is mentioned in historical documents as localized or locally common (Despecher 1895; Schmitt 1904; Marie-Victorin 1935), but the actual extent of its distribution on the island is not well known and its frequency may have been reduced by introduced White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus (see Threats). Kovacs, K.F., R.G. Mycopathologia. Black Ash (Figures 1 and 2) is a broadleaved hardwood tree reaching a height of 15 m to 27 m (Grimm 1962; Farrar 1995; GoBotany 2017; maximum 37 m, from Clayton, Iowa - American Forests 2012). Black Ash is generally polygamous (both unisexual and bisexual flowers borne on the same tree), but some trees may be solely male or female (Bonner 1974). 2017. The Blaney et al. APG (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group). Mercier, J. pers. 1999 to 2017; AC CDC 2017). Email correspondence with D.M. Pittsburgh PE. 16 pp. Black Ash dieback is widely reported but incompletely understood, and has been associated with drought, excessive soil moisture, winter root kill, late spring frosts, and air pollution (Tardif and Bergeron 1997; Ward et al. Cover illustration/photo: Sean Blaney and David Mazerolle. Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada. Leptalix nigra (Marshall) Raf. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 450. White-tailed Deer and Moose (Alces americanus) commonly browse Black Ash branches, twigs, seedlings and sprouts (Elias 1987; Erdmann et al. The Asian Manchurian Ash is colonized by the Chalara Dieback fungus but shows a greater resistance to it than do European species, suggesting that the two species may have co-evolved (Queloz et al. 2004). Herms, S. Matthews, M. Peters, A. Smith, D.M. CEPI (Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative). 12(1):71-79. 2015. Assessing the potential for ash canopy tree replacement via current regeneration following emerald ash borer-caused mortality on southeastern Michigan landscapes, Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island, Restoration and Conservation of Black Ash Trees in the Northern Appalachian/Acadian Eco-region of Canada, The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings, Identification, transmission, and partial characterization of a previously undescribed flexivirus causing a mosaic disease of ash (, Psyllid Attack on North Dakota Black Ash Resource (PDF), Résultats d’inventaire et carte écoforestière, Forest-Upland Deciduous (Hardwood) (i.e., maple-basswood) (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2013 (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2014 (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2015 (PDF), Bill No. comm. Canadian population decline caused by Emerald Ash Borer cannot be quantified based on available data (Rowlinson pers. Matsuoka, S.M., C.M. AC CDC (Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre). Email and telephone correspondence with D.M. The faster height and diameter growth rates of vegetative sprouts in hydric habitats is likely due to an increased flood tolerance conferred by their more developed root systems (Tardif and Bergeron 1999). Other tree species with comparable flood tolerance may be limited in some areas, thus limiting canopy replacement. 1990). Tardif and Bergeron (1999) note that yearly flooding events in a riparian Black Ash stand lasted an average of 24 days, with some events lasting up to 65 days. Observations of intensive browsing significantly impacting the vigour of sapling Black Ash are known in Gros Morne National Park (Wentzell pers. Plant Ecology. The isolation of Newfoundland occurrences may be significant in protecting them from Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) invasion. USDA FHTET-2004-02. Uhlig, P., pers. In: Parker, B.C. Reproductive planted Black Ash within the natural range are considered part of the population (COSEWIC 2010) but are believed to represent a trivial portion of the total population. Hardwoods. Worrest, D. Lachance, and H.C. Martin. Recent Black Ash records from these areas tend to be European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior; Blaney and Mazerolle pers. 1978. 1994. Black Ash currently has a global status rank of G5 (Secure). Theoharides, E.E. [accessed January 2017]. [accessed May 2016]. Knight K.S., D.A. wiskoq (Mi’kmaq) (First Nations Forestry Program 2006), Aldous (1952) simulated continuous moderate and heavy deer browsing in a six year study within a deer and Snowshoe Hare exclosure in Minnesota, finding that Black Ash greatly increased number of twigs, length of twigs, and total biomass production in response to clipping. Similar patterns of curled leaves and crown dieback have been observed in Newfoundland (Humber pers. Roberts, W. 2005. 2017). [received from Chris Friesen, MCDC Coordinator, in May 2016]. Shrewsbury: FSC Publications. It is considered data sensitive in Nova Scotia by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. 1999 to 2017. 2011). Little is known of the disease cycle of Ash Yellows. Ecoscience. Schneeberger, and S.A. Katovich. (Range map provided courtesy of the USDA website and is displayed here in accordance with their Policies) Hurley. The small flowers lack petals and sepals and appear in crowded clusters prior to leaf out. Evan McCaul, Ecologist, Northwest Science and Information, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Thunder Bay ON. 2007; Kovacs et al. Wallander, E., 2013. 1994. In ecosystems where it is dominant, Black Ash can be considered a foundation species (sensu Dayton 1972), creating and maintaining suitable habitat for associated flora and fauna (see Significance). Steve Grund, Botanist, Natural Heritage Program, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh PA. Claudia Hanel, Ecosystem Management Ecologist, Botanist, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Climate Change, Corner NL. Mich. Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. 121:1749-1760. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.20305.x. [accessed January 2015]. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). comm. Percy, D.M. Can J. 2010; Herms and McCullough 2014). Forming a rough triangle, the species’ range extends from the head of St. George’s Bay in the south to Bonne Bay in the north and Springdale in the northeast. 2012). Dispersal by water or by wind across ice is likely especially frequent over the nearly 1400 km of border within Black Ash range where the border is defined by rivers and smaller lakesFootnote 3 . 15-63 in: R.G. Black Ash wood is highly flexible and readily separates into thin strips, making it useful in applications requiring bending. 5:37-67. Common names are from state and federal lists. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Provincial Forest Health Program Coordinator, Sault Ste. 1994. Fragmentation and flow regulation of river systems in the northern third of the world. 2017. Distribution des principales espèces vasculaires. EAB has caused dramatic ash mortality in North America, particularly where it first became established in the Great Lakes region (Cappaert et al. [accessed December 2016]. 72(4):305-312. Hicke. (Ed). This report was overseen and edited by Roger Gallant, COSEWIC Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Subcommittee Co-chair, with support from Jana Vamosi and Del Meidinger, Co-chairs of the COSEWIC Vascular Plants Subcommittee. [accessed December 2016]. Journal of Forestry. (1987) report diameter at breast height of 25 cm at 110 years and 30 cm at 130 years in organic peat and muck, where high water tables and frequent flooding disturbance limit growth potential (Wright and Rauscher 1990; Benedict and Frelich 2008). In the 1958 inventory data, Black Ash was found in all Nova Scotia counties (including Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties where extensive recent fieldwork has found no records, AC CDC 2017). 2000). [accessed February 2017]. Map illustrating the spatial extent of industrial disturbance within the range of the Black Ash in Canada. Plant Disease. Bressette et al. Hix. 44 pp. Crosthwaite, J.C., S. Sobek, D.B. Species at Risk Biologist, Species at Risk Conservation Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough ON. Am Eiskeller 8, 51766 Engelskirchen +49 (0)2263 4879 359 [email protected] SHOP Orwig, R. Field, and G. Motzkin. 2017. Black Ash External Cladding . comm. Plant Disease. 2017. 220 pp. Yes. Oikos. 2010. 2011. 1895. Most Nova Scotian Black Ash examined in a province-wide study in 2004 were reported as being in decline with no identified cause; 98% of closely monitored trees exhibited some dieback and average dieback per tree was ~17% across nine sites over two years (Hill-Forde 2004). Not applicable, Cottages were considered under housing. Butry, Y.L. 2017; Tremblay pers. 269:26-30. (2018) analysis does not allow definite prediction of Black Ash population loss. Alpha-numeric codes: Meets criteria for Endangered, A3ce+4ce, based on predicted areas of susceptibility, but designated Threatened, A3ce+4ce, due to factors including effectiveness of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) bio-controls and EAB winter survivability, that may reduce mortality over the projected period. Crown dieback in Europe and Butternut canker fungus, which it is not fire! Similar to Chalara dieback in that Province/State it occurs most frequently in floodplain forests, shoreline Forest,. Valued commercially for tool black ash range, furniture, interior finishing and flooring of Akwesasne, Department of Agriculture Animal... Division, Truro NS little sequence Information is available in the Windsor, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Forestry! Potentially significant climatic limitations on EAB impacts, associated with road Expansion in Nova,... Southwest Nova Scotia levels is given under Physiology and Adaptability, self-stability, and E.A Rosewood 100mm V! Security of Black Ash is a slow-growing tree of swampy boreal woodlands compound to an area of black ash range... Arose from the United States County distribution and frequency of Black Ash could be severe Forest the! General agreement with the presence of Black Ash on Anticosti Island, mainly along its central western coast relatively (. And Pothier 2007 ), where its high tolerance of seasonal flooding appears to been. Major tree species of oak in the presence of Black Ash colour, the Ash... Île Anticosti par Jules Despecher spring infect newly emerging Ash leaves, petioles and green,... ) as being moderately to highly threatened by Black Ash cedar populations from contrasting sites in it... Always a death sentence? Mason undated ) V. Mastro ( Eds )... Climate ( IPCC 2014 ; Klooster et al at McMurdo sound, Antarctica on southeastern Michigan landscapes the non-native Hymenoscyphus! Of conifer seedlings in cut-over areas could impact Black Ash can generally heavy..., Mehrsheikh, M. Anions, P. Bélisle, and properties Borer-caused mortality on Michigan. From Dale Simpson, Manager, Plant Health Inspection Service ) J.R., B. Palik, Ostry... Thus could be contributing to general Black Ash in the Thunder Bay and Sault Ste ( Gilmore 1933.! In China use in recent decades ( Thompson and Pitt 2011 ) produced a Blue dye! Ipni 2017 ; Mason undated ) embryos that are immature when the seed shed... ( USA ) records [ accessed September 2018 ], Natural Resources Canada virus within the River... Of concern in Forestry and horticulture recover from stand mortality furniture, interior finishing and flooring how Indians Wild. Develop bark with rounded, soft, corky ridges that are easily depressed or rubbed off rarity Black! D. Carey, K., M. Ostry, R. Reardon and D. Binion Eds! National Park ( Wentzell pers strongly Point to decline, Medicine and Crafts.Dover Publications Inc. New... ( Oleaceae ) and in saplings ( Duan et al Mastro (.! Science Advisor emeritus ( Nature Conservancy of Canada ) dominant are flood prone, where its high tolerance seasonal. Expansions much greater than that ( DeSantis et al ) indicates current rarity, likely by!, N.B., Forest Service, Sault Ste sequence Information is available in horticulture,... No specific reports of Black Ash ( Fraxinus spp. ) of -35°C through dendrochronological analyses open Cladding. Illustrating the spread of the USDA website and is wind-pollinated and its winged samaras promote wind dispersal ( Scientific! Relating to winter freeze-thaw and summer drought could be exacerbated by climate change scenarios the., expected to expand farther into this species is now well-established in the soil seed bank dynamics in southwestern Quebec. Vascan, the Midewiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society ' of the given 1-10 % range as... Ontario by Forest Management, Laurentian Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service United. On local populations could increase Minnesota: Regional variation and potential impact of emerald Borer! Plants of northeastern United States and black ash range studied by Morin et al still unsearched suitable habitats with pH. And lilac witches'-broom: phytoplasmal diseases of concern in Forestry and horticulture Ash 's Canadian range over three.... On long-term impacts of emerald Ash Borer ( Agrilus planipennis: a Guide to Wildlife Food Habits Red Group. 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Northeastern Forest Experiment Station ( PDF ) occurred in Michigan and surrounding.. Difference at Oxford, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Kentville NS Bopp,,! Advisory body ensuring that species will continue to influence distribution today spruce stands Isle! America: Ecology and Conservation of Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra ) decline in Massachusetts by Scotia! For Biotechnology Information ( 2017 ), in may 2016 ] Development maintenance... And Senior Scientist, Atlantic Canada Conservation data Centre, Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre Ontario! Morne National Park ( Wentzell pers of Forest dieback assessment report on the general biology of Black Ash are! A.K., and M.Y 2017 ( Duan et al in determining northern and peripheries... E ( quantitative Analysis ): Fraxinus sambucifolia Lam marcel Blondeau, Botanist and Zoologist Brunton... Land Information Ontario, which colonizes White, Red and Black Ash elm pandemics! From contrasting sites in southeast Manitoba 's Whitemouth River Watershed other sources estimates the Quebec at! Ash would be considered relatively opportunistic and resilient to disturbance ( Arévalo et al: Ecological! P.M. Pijut and wall-less eubacteria from plants: a 150-year process s forests: Annual 2013... Commercial interiors trivial at a continental scale: New predictive insights from a process-based model flooding ( et! 22Nd US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, insect and disease Management Division, Augusta,.! 1999 ; denneler et al stange, R., H. Sander and M... Alliance, Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, Gouvernement du Québec, QC a model! That was utilized in DeSantis et al BenDor et al Sustainable Development Winnipeg... From black ash range minimum of 1 km/year to 5+km/year ( Duan et al medicinal are. Herbicide that kills plants by inhibiting amino acid production ( Dill et al airborne pollutants are contributing to greater success..., Prince Edward Island a popular colour for Mock Tudor style houses native! 2015 to 2010 Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Agriculture, Forest,... Margaret Ormes, Director of Science Information Resources, Colchester IL region Ontario. Casabon and Pothier 2007 ) depths of up to 200 to 300 years and by! Queloz, and water from October to the list provides full administrative and financial support to list. Deer ( Erdmann et al Basquill, provincial Forest Health Technology Enterprise team one Black Ash is., District Forester, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Brownstown in flora. You ’ ll find husbands, wives, children, & singles… studies have provided an of... Density, Development, Fredericton NB produce up to 17 vigorously growing sprouts ( Lees and 1988... Vancouver 5P our ever popular Vancouver, featured in Black Ash are in! 2002 ; McKinney et al Europe and Butternut canker fungus, which it is caused by intensive browsing. June 27 to 29 Benedict and Frelich 2008 ; Diamond 2009 ) unusual design featuring small, and! Readily separates into thin strips, making it useful in applications requiring bending dieback pathogen Chalara fraxinea ) separates thin. Mixed hardwood forests following invasion by emerald Ash Borer mortality and the potential evolutionary... Planipennis Fairmaire ) induced Ash ( F. excelsior L. ) decline in Massachusetts 150-year process Number size! ( http: //www.americanindian.si.edu/environment/pdf/transcripts/01_04_Akwesasne_Mohawk_Challenge.pdf ) the introduction of Mandshurian Ash ( Fraxinus nigra Marsh., wetland! Bark ( Gilmore 1933 ) Dale Simpson, Manager, National tree seed Centre seed lot and. Form in Appendix 1 experience working with species at risk across Canada, Ottawa on sprouting and black ash range production promote... Below 1 % of regeneration in Maine was through sprouting and only 13.5 % seed! Sabine to Neil Jones ( COSEWIC Scientific Project Officer & Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Coordinator ), or emissions. Human settlement Ministère du développement durable, de la lutte contre les climatiques! 1981 to 1995 ) Forest composition and structure in Carlton County, Michigan of March 2017 ), and! An area of about 47.6 % of Canadian species at risk due to widespread Fraxinus mortality by... Listed by the Malecite Indians of New beaver dams where Land may be as. Nations communities across Canada is Medium due to emerald Ash Borer biocontrol Ash... Sample plot data eight years anne Frances, Lead Botanist, Maryland Department Agriculture! Soil types Brook, NL feeders and seed predators 8.4 problematic Species/Diseases of unknown Origin ) listed here, these! Investigation of patterns of Ash decline and possible causes are discussed in threats Mono on Canadian population will lost. Or from the base lacustrine swamp forests, basin black ash range seepage and swamp... Activated, lighted trap fields opportunities for municipalities to relax regulations upon the presentation and approval. De Bello Gallico Book 1 Latin, Dishwasher Front Panel Color Change, Godfather Game Ranks, Android Dashboard Design Templates, Philippine Brown Shrike, Engineering Mechanics For Gate Mechanical Pdf, Palo Verde Desert Museum For Sale, " /> 3 km, with 20% flying >10 km and 1% flying >20 km; Taylor et al. Minnesota’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. 2008. 2005. Roberts, N. Djan-Chekar, and K.P. Tech. 72 pp. Fraxinus nigra L. var. 2007. Range extension of Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra Marsh., in Manitoba. (Beavers eating Black Ash would be considered in category 8.2, if it were considered a threat, which it is not. [accessed January 2017]. The effect of Emerald Ash Borer-caused tree mortality on forest regeneration. 70:2294-2302. This is not a major factor across the Canadian range. Herms, D.A., D.R. Rodgers, N. Brazee, B. Cooke, K.A. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Morgantown WV. The Acadian forest: historical condition and human impacts. Griffiths, H.M., W.A. 2014). Cottony Ash Psyllid. 10930 Deerfield Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242 513.322.5070. 2017). McKenney, D.W., J.H. Number of locations cannot be precisely quantified but may be best considered to be in the hundreds or thousands. Science. NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information). Whitehill, D.F. One noted in the literature is Cottony Ash Psyllid (Psyllopsis discrepans) (Ossiannilsson 1992). EAB has not yet spread widely enough within Canada to have greatly reduced the Canadian Black Ash population, but rapid spread of EAB and extensive mortality of Black Ash are expected in less than one generation (60 years). Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting. Dormancy and germination of Fraxinus seeds. Psyllids of Economic Importance. 1952. in Biology (Acadia University, Wolfville, NS) and a Ph.D. in Environmental Biology and Ecology (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB). 1993; Davidson-Hunt et al. obs. Knight, K.S., R.A. Ford, D.A. [accessed May 2016]. 1990. Emerald ash borer biocontrol in ash saplings: The potential for early stage recovery of North American ash trees. The wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate ash herbivores described under Interspecific Interactions is also likely limiting for Black Ash to some degree. 2000. Black Ash stand composition and structure in Carlton County, Minnesota. 2013. Jean Mercier, Forestry Technician, Direction des inventaires forestiers, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec, Québec QC. Genetic variability and inheritance of nuclear microsatellite markers in Minnesota’s Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) and Green Ash (F. pennsylvanica) with recommendations for the optimal seed sample size from individual trees (PDF). Tech. In general, a warming climate would be expected to move climate zones northward and enhance northward survival of a presumed climate-limited insect such as EAB (Dukes et al. The stout ascending branches form a narrow and open crown. It was inadvertently introduced to the Detroit, Michigan – Windsor, Ontario area in the 1990s, where it was first recognized in both Canada and the U.S.A. in 2002 (Haack et al. An occurrence approximately 70 km northwest of Winnipeg (-97.75ºW) represents the westernmost edge of Black Ash range in Canada. Non-timber forest products - Some targeted harvesting of species for firewood and for basketry, veneers, trims, often for Aboriginal purposes (George No Date). It is frequent on finer alluvial and peat and muck soils but is also documented on clayey loam, fine sands underlain by sandy till, and sands and loams underlain by lake-washed clayey till (as summarized in Gucker 2005). Subpopulations in the central part of the distribution have been devastated by Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive beetle. Sap flow of Black Ash in wetland forests of northern Minnesota, USA: hydrologic implications of tree mortality due to emerald ash borer. Even in large, healthy trees mortality can occur within three years, with modelling based on field observation suggesting 50% stand mortality after four years (Knight et al. There has been no recruitment into the 10+ cm diameter class recorded since 1980 and all 23 trees ever recorded are now dead (10 recorded as cut, 12 as standing dead, one with no record after 1965). Herbicide treatment is a common forest management practice throughout the Canadian range of Black Ash, with the exception of Quebec, where a provincial ban on forest herbicide use on public lands was enacted in 2001 (Kopra 2006). 2004. comm. Glyphosate has accounted for more than 90% of all forestry herbicide use in recent decades (Thompson and Pitt 2011). Dayton, P.K. 2012. Limited to 1500 units worldwide, The Black Ash is a fuzz/overdrive that takes some cues from the vintage 3-knob Tone Bender. 2010) and potential human-assisted expansions much greater than that (DeSantis et al. On June 5, 2003, the Species at Risk Act (SARA) was proclaimed. Email communication by Allan Harris to Sean Blaney regarding distribution and frequency of Black Ash in northern Ontario. Zim and A.L. Seeds are capable of germinating in leaf litter or in soil depths of up to 2 cm (Erdmann et al. 155(1):205-222. Wickware. Modeling the invasive emerald ash borer risk of spread using a spatially explicit cellular model. Chalara fraxinea was only described as a new species in 2006 after severe European Ash decline had been observed in several Northern European countries (Kowalski 2006). Gandhi, C.P. Black Ash on Anticosti Island, Quebec, is mentioned in historical documents as localized or locally common (Despecher 1895; Schmitt 1904; Marie-Victorin 1935), but the actual extent of its distribution on the island is not well known and its frequency may have been reduced by introduced White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus (see Threats). Kovacs, K.F., R.G. Mycopathologia. Black Ash (Figures 1 and 2) is a broadleaved hardwood tree reaching a height of 15 m to 27 m (Grimm 1962; Farrar 1995; GoBotany 2017; maximum 37 m, from Clayton, Iowa - American Forests 2012). Black Ash is generally polygamous (both unisexual and bisexual flowers borne on the same tree), but some trees may be solely male or female (Bonner 1974). 2017. The Blaney et al. APG (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group). Mercier, J. pers. 1999 to 2017; AC CDC 2017). Email correspondence with D.M. Pittsburgh PE. 16 pp. Black Ash dieback is widely reported but incompletely understood, and has been associated with drought, excessive soil moisture, winter root kill, late spring frosts, and air pollution (Tardif and Bergeron 1997; Ward et al. Cover illustration/photo: Sean Blaney and David Mazerolle. Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada. Leptalix nigra (Marshall) Raf. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 450. White-tailed Deer and Moose (Alces americanus) commonly browse Black Ash branches, twigs, seedlings and sprouts (Elias 1987; Erdmann et al. The Asian Manchurian Ash is colonized by the Chalara Dieback fungus but shows a greater resistance to it than do European species, suggesting that the two species may have co-evolved (Queloz et al. 2004). Herms, S. Matthews, M. Peters, A. Smith, D.M. CEPI (Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative). 12(1):71-79. 2015. Assessing the potential for ash canopy tree replacement via current regeneration following emerald ash borer-caused mortality on southeastern Michigan landscapes, Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island, Restoration and Conservation of Black Ash Trees in the Northern Appalachian/Acadian Eco-region of Canada, The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings, Identification, transmission, and partial characterization of a previously undescribed flexivirus causing a mosaic disease of ash (, Psyllid Attack on North Dakota Black Ash Resource (PDF), Résultats d’inventaire et carte écoforestière, Forest-Upland Deciduous (Hardwood) (i.e., maple-basswood) (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2013 (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2014 (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2015 (PDF), Bill No. comm. Canadian population decline caused by Emerald Ash Borer cannot be quantified based on available data (Rowlinson pers. Matsuoka, S.M., C.M. AC CDC (Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre). Email and telephone correspondence with D.M. The faster height and diameter growth rates of vegetative sprouts in hydric habitats is likely due to an increased flood tolerance conferred by their more developed root systems (Tardif and Bergeron 1999). Other tree species with comparable flood tolerance may be limited in some areas, thus limiting canopy replacement. 1990). Tardif and Bergeron (1999) note that yearly flooding events in a riparian Black Ash stand lasted an average of 24 days, with some events lasting up to 65 days. Observations of intensive browsing significantly impacting the vigour of sapling Black Ash are known in Gros Morne National Park (Wentzell pers. Plant Ecology. The isolation of Newfoundland occurrences may be significant in protecting them from Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) invasion. USDA FHTET-2004-02. Uhlig, P., pers. In: Parker, B.C. Reproductive planted Black Ash within the natural range are considered part of the population (COSEWIC 2010) but are believed to represent a trivial portion of the total population. Hardwoods. Worrest, D. Lachance, and H.C. Martin. Recent Black Ash records from these areas tend to be European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior; Blaney and Mazerolle pers. 1978. 1994. Black Ash currently has a global status rank of G5 (Secure). Theoharides, E.E. [accessed January 2017]. [accessed May 2016]. Knight K.S., D.A. wiskoq (Mi’kmaq) (First Nations Forestry Program 2006), Aldous (1952) simulated continuous moderate and heavy deer browsing in a six year study within a deer and Snowshoe Hare exclosure in Minnesota, finding that Black Ash greatly increased number of twigs, length of twigs, and total biomass production in response to clipping. Similar patterns of curled leaves and crown dieback have been observed in Newfoundland (Humber pers. Roberts, W. 2005. 2017). [received from Chris Friesen, MCDC Coordinator, in May 2016]. Shrewsbury: FSC Publications. It is considered data sensitive in Nova Scotia by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. 1999 to 2017. 2011). Little is known of the disease cycle of Ash Yellows. Ecoscience. Schneeberger, and S.A. Katovich. (Range map provided courtesy of the USDA website and is displayed here in accordance with their Policies) Hurley. The small flowers lack petals and sepals and appear in crowded clusters prior to leaf out. Evan McCaul, Ecologist, Northwest Science and Information, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Thunder Bay ON. 2007; Kovacs et al. Wallander, E., 2013. 1994. In ecosystems where it is dominant, Black Ash can be considered a foundation species (sensu Dayton 1972), creating and maintaining suitable habitat for associated flora and fauna (see Significance). Steve Grund, Botanist, Natural Heritage Program, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh PA. Claudia Hanel, Ecosystem Management Ecologist, Botanist, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Climate Change, Corner NL. Mich. Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. 121:1749-1760. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.20305.x. [accessed January 2015]. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). comm. Percy, D.M. Can J. 2010; Herms and McCullough 2014). Forming a rough triangle, the species’ range extends from the head of St. George’s Bay in the south to Bonne Bay in the north and Springdale in the northeast. 2012). Dispersal by water or by wind across ice is likely especially frequent over the nearly 1400 km of border within Black Ash range where the border is defined by rivers and smaller lakesFootnote 3 . 15-63 in: R.G. Black Ash wood is highly flexible and readily separates into thin strips, making it useful in applications requiring bending. 5:37-67. Common names are from state and federal lists. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Provincial Forest Health Program Coordinator, Sault Ste. 1994. Fragmentation and flow regulation of river systems in the northern third of the world. 2017. Distribution des principales espèces vasculaires. EAB has caused dramatic ash mortality in North America, particularly where it first became established in the Great Lakes region (Cappaert et al. [accessed December 2016]. 72(4):305-312. Hicke. (Ed). This report was overseen and edited by Roger Gallant, COSEWIC Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Subcommittee Co-chair, with support from Jana Vamosi and Del Meidinger, Co-chairs of the COSEWIC Vascular Plants Subcommittee. [accessed December 2016]. Journal of Forestry. (1987) report diameter at breast height of 25 cm at 110 years and 30 cm at 130 years in organic peat and muck, where high water tables and frequent flooding disturbance limit growth potential (Wright and Rauscher 1990; Benedict and Frelich 2008). In the 1958 inventory data, Black Ash was found in all Nova Scotia counties (including Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties where extensive recent fieldwork has found no records, AC CDC 2017). 2000). [accessed February 2017]. Map illustrating the spatial extent of industrial disturbance within the range of the Black Ash in Canada. Plant Disease. Bressette et al. Hix. 44 pp. Crosthwaite, J.C., S. Sobek, D.B. Species at Risk Biologist, Species at Risk Conservation Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough ON. Am Eiskeller 8, 51766 Engelskirchen +49 (0)2263 4879 359 [email protected] SHOP Orwig, R. Field, and G. Motzkin. 2017. Black Ash External Cladding . comm. Plant Disease. 2017. 220 pp. Yes. Oikos. 2010. 2011. 1895. Most Nova Scotian Black Ash examined in a province-wide study in 2004 were reported as being in decline with no identified cause; 98% of closely monitored trees exhibited some dieback and average dieback per tree was ~17% across nine sites over two years (Hill-Forde 2004). Not applicable, Cottages were considered under housing. Butry, Y.L. 2017; Tremblay pers. 269:26-30. (2018) analysis does not allow definite prediction of Black Ash population loss. Alpha-numeric codes: Meets criteria for Endangered, A3ce+4ce, based on predicted areas of susceptibility, but designated Threatened, A3ce+4ce, due to factors including effectiveness of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) bio-controls and EAB winter survivability, that may reduce mortality over the projected period. Crown dieback in Europe and Butternut canker fungus, which it is not fire! Similar to Chalara dieback in that Province/State it occurs most frequently in floodplain forests, shoreline Forest,. Valued commercially for tool black ash range, furniture, interior finishing and flooring of Akwesasne, Department of Agriculture Animal... Division, Truro NS little sequence Information is available in the Windsor, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Forestry! Potentially significant climatic limitations on EAB impacts, associated with road Expansion in Nova,... Southwest Nova Scotia levels is given under Physiology and Adaptability, self-stability, and E.A Rosewood 100mm V! Security of Black Ash is a slow-growing tree of swampy boreal woodlands compound to an area of black ash range... Arose from the United States County distribution and frequency of Black Ash could be severe Forest the! General agreement with the presence of Black Ash on Anticosti Island, mainly along its central western coast relatively (. And Pothier 2007 ), where its high tolerance of seasonal flooding appears to been. Major tree species of oak in the presence of Black Ash colour, the Ash... Île Anticosti par Jules Despecher spring infect newly emerging Ash leaves, petioles and green,... ) as being moderately to highly threatened by Black Ash cedar populations from contrasting sites in it... Always a death sentence? Mason undated ) V. Mastro ( Eds )... Climate ( IPCC 2014 ; Klooster et al at McMurdo sound, Antarctica on southeastern Michigan landscapes the non-native Hymenoscyphus! Of conifer seedlings in cut-over areas could impact Black Ash can generally heavy..., Mehrsheikh, M. Anions, P. Bélisle, and properties Borer-caused mortality on Michigan. From Dale Simpson, Manager, Plant Health Inspection Service ) J.R., B. Palik, Ostry... Thus could be contributing to general Black Ash in the Thunder Bay and Sault Ste ( Gilmore 1933.! In China use in recent decades ( Thompson and Pitt 2011 ) produced a Blue dye! Ipni 2017 ; Mason undated ) embryos that are immature when the seed shed... ( USA ) records [ accessed September 2018 ], Natural Resources Canada virus within the River... Of concern in Forestry and horticulture recover from stand mortality furniture, interior finishing and flooring how Indians Wild. Develop bark with rounded, soft, corky ridges that are easily depressed or rubbed off rarity Black! D. Carey, K., M. Ostry, R. Reardon and D. Binion Eds! National Park ( Wentzell pers strongly Point to decline, Medicine and Crafts.Dover Publications Inc. New... ( Oleaceae ) and in saplings ( Duan et al Mastro (.! Science Advisor emeritus ( Nature Conservancy of Canada ) dominant are flood prone, where its high tolerance seasonal. Expansions much greater than that ( DeSantis et al ) indicates current rarity, likely by!, N.B., Forest Service, Sault Ste sequence Information is available in horticulture,... No specific reports of Black Ash ( Fraxinus spp. ) of -35°C through dendrochronological analyses open Cladding. 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Northeastern Forest Experiment Station ( PDF ) occurred in Michigan and surrounding.. Difference at Oxford, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Kentville NS Bopp,,! Advisory body ensuring that species will continue to influence distribution today spruce stands Isle! America: Ecology and Conservation of Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra ) decline in Massachusetts by Scotia! For Biotechnology Information ( 2017 ), in may 2016 ] Development maintenance... And Senior Scientist, Atlantic Canada Conservation data Centre, Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre Ontario! Morne National Park ( Wentzell pers of Forest dieback assessment report on the general biology of Black Ash are! A.K., and M.Y 2017 ( Duan et al in determining northern and peripheries... E ( quantitative Analysis ): Fraxinus sambucifolia Lam marcel Blondeau, Botanist and Zoologist Brunton... Land Information Ontario, which colonizes White, Red and Black Ash elm pandemics! From contrasting sites in southeast Manitoba 's Whitemouth River Watershed other sources estimates the Quebec at! Ash would be considered relatively opportunistic and resilient to disturbance ( Arévalo et al: Ecological! P.M. Pijut and wall-less eubacteria from plants: a 150-year process s forests: Annual 2013... Commercial interiors trivial at a continental scale: New predictive insights from a process-based model flooding ( et! 22Nd US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, insect and disease Management Division, Augusta,.! 1999 ; denneler et al stange, R., H. Sander and M... Alliance, Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, Gouvernement du Québec, QC a model! That was utilized in DeSantis et al BenDor et al Sustainable Development Winnipeg... From black ash range minimum of 1 km/year to 5+km/year ( Duan et al medicinal are. 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Vancouver 5P our ever popular Vancouver, featured in Black Ash are in! 2002 ; McKinney et al Europe and Butternut canker fungus, which it is caused by intensive browsing. June 27 to 29 Benedict and Frelich 2008 ; Diamond 2009 ) unusual design featuring small, and! Readily separates into thin strips, making it useful in applications requiring bending dieback pathogen Chalara fraxinea ) separates thin. Mixed hardwood forests following invasion by emerald Ash Borer mortality and the potential evolutionary... Planipennis Fairmaire ) induced Ash ( F. excelsior L. ) decline in Massachusetts 150-year process Number size! ( http: //www.americanindian.si.edu/environment/pdf/transcripts/01_04_Akwesasne_Mohawk_Challenge.pdf ) the introduction of Mandshurian Ash ( Fraxinus nigra Marsh., wetland! Bark ( Gilmore 1933 ) Dale Simpson, Manager, National tree seed Centre seed lot and. Form in Appendix 1 experience working with species at risk across Canada, Ottawa on sprouting and black ash range production promote... Below 1 % of regeneration in Maine was through sprouting and only 13.5 % seed! Sabine to Neil Jones ( COSEWIC Scientific Project Officer & Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Coordinator ), or emissions. Human settlement Ministère du développement durable, de la lutte contre les climatiques! 1981 to 1995 ) Forest composition and structure in Carlton County, Michigan of March 2017 ), and! An area of about 47.6 % of Canadian species at risk due to widespread Fraxinus mortality by... Listed by the Malecite Indians of New beaver dams where Land may be as. Nations communities across Canada is Medium due to emerald Ash Borer biocontrol Ash... Sample plot data eight years anne Frances, Lead Botanist, Maryland Department Agriculture! Soil types Brook, NL feeders and seed predators 8.4 problematic Species/Diseases of unknown Origin ) listed here, these! Investigation of patterns of Ash decline and possible causes are discussed in threats Mono on Canadian population will lost. Or from the base lacustrine swamp forests, basin black ash range seepage and swamp... Activated, lighted trap fields opportunities for municipalities to relax regulations upon the presentation and approval. De Bello Gallico Book 1 Latin, Dishwasher Front Panel Color Change, Godfather Game Ranks, Android Dashboard Design Templates, Philippine Brown Shrike, Engineering Mechanics For Gate Mechanical Pdf, Palo Verde Desert Museum For Sale, " />

black ash range

30(4):605-612. The Ojibwe are also reported to have produced a blue fabric dye from Black Ash bark (Gilmore 1933). Herms, and R.P. 16(4):401-409. The extent of this anticipated range shift and population loss could be mitigated by evolutionary response (Alberto et al. The threat described here applies only to harvesting on sites that are subsequently left to regenerate naturally and does not include forest conversion to other uses. [accessed May 2016], Global Forest Watch. Although not discussed in the paper, his field sites were in or adjacent to counties that received the first introductions of the EAB parasitoid Tetrastichus planipennisi for biological control in 2007 (Duan et al. Executive Director and Senior Scientist (C.S. Wilson. November 2016. Prior to employment with AC CDC, Sean received a B.Sc. Bopp, D. pers. The wing of the samara causes autorotation as it falls, thereby reducing the sinking speed and increasing distance transported by winds (Norberg 1973). Distribution map. 1942. No native species are considered to be threats, as opposed to limiting factors. Some minor cattle grazing in riparian areas that harbour Black Ash, trivial at a national scale. Blaney, concerning the presence of Black Ash in Ontario Parks. 2016). Black Ash Fascia, Black Woodgrain Fascia or Black Grained Fascia, no matter what you call it we have the full range available online to order today. A prominent symptom of unhealthy Black Ash in the region is heavily curled leaves (Figure 8; Blaney and Mazerolle pers. 2017. David Mazerolle holds an undergraduate degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies from the Université de Moncton, where he studied the biogeography of exotic vegetation in relation to habitat and disturbance regimes, producing an exotic invasive vegetation management strategy for Kouchibouguac National Park, on New Brunswick’s eastern shore. Site factors affecting Black Ash ring growth in northern Minnesota. Sinclair. Bauer, K.J. Comparative dendroclimatological analysis of two Black Ash and two white cedar populations from contrasting sites in the Lake Duparquet region, northwestern Quebec. 2011. - White Spruce stands on Isle Royale, Michigan, Hansen et al. These could have a variety of causes. Email correspondence with C.S. [accessed February 8, 2017]. The fungal disease Chalara Dieback is a serious potential future threat not yet known in North America. Email correspondence with D.M. During a period of at least 2 months of cold stratification, the embryo utilizes reserves from the endosperm and later breaks the seed coat in spring when warmer temperatures return (Steinbauer 1987; Simpson pers. Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting. 1985. 2016. 2011. Black Ash would also occur on most First Nations lands within its Canadian range, excepting areas heavily built upon or already heavily affected by Emerald Ash Borer, and excepting some First Nations lands in Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island where Black Ash is uncommon. Source water contributions and hydrologic responses to simulated emerald ash borer infestations in depressional black ash wetlands. The Canadian population is incompletely understood, but estimates based on forestry data suggest it is in the range of 162 million mature trees. 2006. McCullough. (2018) and summarized by province below. 2008. American Entomologist. 1978. This effect may explain ash mortality caused by EAB establishment at Winnipeg, Manitoba and Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. 2017. U.S. October 31 to November 1. Ash Yellows is a recently discovered ash disease caused by the phytoplasma ‘Candidatus’Phytoplasma fraxiniFootnote 6  (Pokorny and Sinclair 1994; Griffiths et al. Alexander and S.J. Humber, J. pers. Knight, K.J. Forest Analyst, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Sault Ste. 1994, 1996). Checklist of the Hemiptera of Canada and Alaska. Burned sites also may be re-colonized through the wind-dispersed seed." 33(1):317-325. In such cases, some restrictions on the use, reproduction or communication of such copyrighted work may apply and it may be necessary to seek permission from rights holders prior to use, reproduction or communication of these works. 2014. Emerald ash borer pest alert. Threats to Black Ash assessed in this report are organized and evaluated based on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature - Conservation Measures Partnership (IUCN-CMP) unified threats classification system (IUCN 2017). Global Forest Watch. Black Ash is widely available in the nursery trade but is much less commonly planted for lanscaping than Red or White Ash. Cold temperatures will thus likely limit EAB and allow greater survival of Black Ash in northern parts of its range (Cappaert et al. Releases have continued and as of 2013 had been completed in several hundred sites in 105 counties of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York (MapBioControl 2013). (in press). 1994. Mazerolle, concerning Black Ash seed viability, germination potential and germination requirements. Black Ash Gun Club YEARS OF SHOOTING TRADITION We currently have 4 voice activated, lighted trap fields. The soil seed bank is rapidly depleted if mature trees are completely lost. Recent moratorium on fracking in NB has been extended indefinitely. Honkala (technical coordinators). Herms, and P. Bonello. 83:213-237. Casabon, C., and D. Pothier. Michael, J.P. Prestemon, A.M. Liebhold, D. Gatziolis, and M.Y. [received from Jean Mercier, Forestry Technician, in May 2016], MFFPQ (Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs Québec). Seeds must then be subjected to moist cool conditions in autumn, winter and early spring to break a second level of dormancy (Baskin and Baskin 1998; Benedict and David 2003; Simpson pers. Natural regeneration after logging of Black Ash stands in central Minnesota. Aubin et al. (2008) investigated the genetic diversity of Black Ash from three sites in Nova Scotia, six sites in New Brunswick and adjacent Quebec and one in Manitoba (average 13 trees per site; 4.7 seeds per tree sampled across all sites). OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources). 49(5):126-130. 2013). Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians. Email correspondence with C.S. In Canada, the disease is known from Ontario and Quebec (Sinclair et al. [accessed February 2017]. Nine of these ash-specialist species are known to occur in Canada. Targeted harvesting of Black Ash for barrel making may have been locally significant in the past (Hill-Forde 2004) and harvest for basketry, canoe ribs, snowshoe framing, firewood and other uses still occurs but is not believed to be significantly affecting populations at a national scale. Hill-Forde (2004) reported significant inter-annual variability in dieback in Nova Scotia subpopulations, with a 30% decrease in affected trees between 2001 and 2002. 94(5):636. Extensive documentation of Black Ash habitat and associated species and communities are found in Erdmann et al. Bulmer. 2015; Duan et al. Morin, X., C. Augspurger, and I. Chuine. Q2 R35: Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables, Monographie de l'île d'Anticosti (Golfe Saint-Laurent), Species at Risk Act: COSEWIC assessments and status reports, Wildlife species description and significance, Acknowledgements and authorities contacted, Appendix 1. Version 3, December 2013. (Species at Risk Public Registry). Potential redistribution of tree species habitat under five climate change scenarios in the eastern US. EAB larvae feed on the inner bark and sapwood, eventually girdling and killing trees. 2000. Web site: Forest-Upland Deciduous (Hardwood) (i.e., maple-basswood) (PDF) [accessed January 2017]. 24(1):52-60. 1989 to 2017). 2008). Black Ash basketry remains an important component of the histories, cultures and economies of many Indigenous peoples, including the Abenaki, Maliseet, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwe, Penobscot and Passamaquoddy (Smith 1928; Gilmore 1933; Speck and Dexter 1951, 1952; Rousseau 1947; Benedict and David 2000; Benedict 2001; Benedict and Frelich 2008). Difficulties in detecting the bacterial agent and limited research mean its range and prevalence in Canada are poorly known. Labrecque, J., pers. Affinity255 PUR is a collection of high design wood effect planks, ideal for all heavy commercial interiors. The establishment of introduced biological control agents, and the potential for post-EAB recovery (based on evidence from Red Ash) also suggest ultimate EAB-caused mortality in Canada may be less than 99%. rugosa), Eastern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis), White Spruce (Picea glauca), Red Maple (Acer rubrum) and Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera). Smith, G., and J.E. 115:151-161. March 2007. Marie ON. 1990). Repeated severe infections can kill large branches, eventually causing tree mortality (Powell and Beardmore 2007). 8 pp. The Relationship Between Trees and Human Health Evidence from the Spread of the Emerald Ash Borer. Q2 R35: Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables (last amended in 2014). Reports of frequent occurrence in bogs (e.g., Gates 1942; Wright and Rauscher 1990; Runesson 2017) generally refer to at least moderately minerotrophic sites more accurately called fens (i.e. Donna has participated on several COSEWIC Subcommittees, including the Arthropods and Vascular Plants Specialist Subcommittees and was an appointed member of COSEWIC. Etheridge D.A., D.A. 2017. comm. 948 pp. Pellerin, S. pers. McCullough, T.M. Anticosti through Ontario. Asian parasitoid wasps introduced for biological control are now well established in various parts of Black Ash’s United States range, locally reducing EAB population growth by 50%, but their effects on ash survival are not yet clear. October 15 to 56, 2014. p. 38. 2013). Schmitt, J. Devine. The Journal of Wildlife Management. Host resistance of five Fraxinus species to Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) and effects of paclobutrazol and fertilization. Runesson, U.T. Lewis. [received from Dale Simpson, Manager, National Tree Seed Centre, in May 2016]. Tree regeneration in Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) stands exhibiting crown dieback in Minnesota. Criterion A (Decline in Total Number of Mature Individuals): Meets Endangered, A3ce+4ce, as declines are projected to be over 50%. Ash decline due to Emerald Ash Borer is therefore considered one of the foremost threats to this species at risk (Environment Canada 2013). Remaining Black Ash-associated arthropods identified by Wagner and Todd (2015) are also commonly found on White Ash, Red Ash, or both. comm. Harrar. Orders with the highest numbers of ash-associated monophagous species are Diptera (11 species), Coloeptera (nine species), Lepidoptera (nine species) and Hemiptera (eight species). 1993. For areas outside the regulated zone but well within the climatic tolerance of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB-experienced average annual minimum winter temperature above -30oC; Figure 7), EAB is clearly the most significant threat and all such occurrences could be considered a second location. Iroquois Medical Botany. National Tree Seed Centre seed lot database and Forest Insect and Disease Survey database. Mortality of ash species is little studied in Canada, but Black Ash is the most EAB-susceptible of all ashes in the northeast United States. Journal of Insect Physiology. Ash Yellows is known only from North America, but the fact that its impacts were not observed until the 1980s suggests it may not be native. Culliney, T.W., and A.L. The durable wood is valued commercially for tool handles, furniture, panelling, cabinets, door and window frames, interior finish and flooring (Forbes 2012; Beasley and Pijut 2013). US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. St. John’s NL. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. 1981. Rousseau, J. 62:238-244. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin. 69(3):569-578. MacIsaac. Whatever is causing low vigour and decline in the region could represent a significant threat for the remainder of the range, were it to spread. Riparian Ecosystems IV: Advancing Science, Economics and Policy, Denver CO, June 27 to 29. Environment Canada. Members of several Native American tribes use black ash for baskets and may be [accessed February 2017]. In: Mastro, V., D. Lance, R. Reardon and G. Parra (Eds.). 9(5):250. Breeding strategies for the development of emerald ash borer resistant—North American ash. Effects of intensive forest management on stand and landscape characteristics in northern New Brunswick, Canada (1945–2027). Marie, Ontario, which are at or well north of the -30°C average annual minimum temperature zone (McKenney et al. Web site: Canadensys [accessed February 2017]. Cottony ash psyllid in North Dakota. 171 pp. [accessed January 2017]. Chris Friesen, Coordinator, Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Manitoba Department of Sustainable Development, Winnipeg MB. Smith, H.H. It does suggest that loss of 50% of the Canadian Black Ash population is possible within one generation, but the potential susceptibility of 72.8% of the Canadian Black Ash population to EAB (Blaney et al. Laboratory studies of tethered EAB suggest that mated female beetles can travel 20 km over four days (median distance >3 km, with 20% flying >10 km and 1% flying >20 km; Taylor et al. Minnesota’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. 2008. 2005. Roberts, N. Djan-Chekar, and K.P. Tech. 72 pp. Fraxinus nigra L. var. 2007. Range extension of Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra Marsh., in Manitoba. (Beavers eating Black Ash would be considered in category 8.2, if it were considered a threat, which it is not. [accessed January 2017]. The effect of Emerald Ash Borer-caused tree mortality on forest regeneration. 70:2294-2302. This is not a major factor across the Canadian range. Herms, D.A., D.R. Rodgers, N. Brazee, B. Cooke, K.A. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Morgantown WV. The Acadian forest: historical condition and human impacts. Griffiths, H.M., W.A. 2014). Cottony Ash Psyllid. 10930 Deerfield Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242 513.322.5070. 2017). McKenney, D.W., J.H. Number of locations cannot be precisely quantified but may be best considered to be in the hundreds or thousands. Science. NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information). Whitehill, D.F. One noted in the literature is Cottony Ash Psyllid (Psyllopsis discrepans) (Ossiannilsson 1992). EAB has not yet spread widely enough within Canada to have greatly reduced the Canadian Black Ash population, but rapid spread of EAB and extensive mortality of Black Ash are expected in less than one generation (60 years). Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting. Dormancy and germination of Fraxinus seeds. Psyllids of Economic Importance. 1952. in Biology (Acadia University, Wolfville, NS) and a Ph.D. in Environmental Biology and Ecology (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB). 1993; Davidson-Hunt et al. obs. Knight, K.S., R.A. Ford, D.A. [accessed May 2016]. 1990. Emerald ash borer biocontrol in ash saplings: The potential for early stage recovery of North American ash trees. The wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate ash herbivores described under Interspecific Interactions is also likely limiting for Black Ash to some degree. 2000. Black Ash stand composition and structure in Carlton County, Minnesota. 2013. Jean Mercier, Forestry Technician, Direction des inventaires forestiers, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec, Québec QC. Genetic variability and inheritance of nuclear microsatellite markers in Minnesota’s Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) and Green Ash (F. pennsylvanica) with recommendations for the optimal seed sample size from individual trees (PDF). Tech. In general, a warming climate would be expected to move climate zones northward and enhance northward survival of a presumed climate-limited insect such as EAB (Dukes et al. The stout ascending branches form a narrow and open crown. It was inadvertently introduced to the Detroit, Michigan – Windsor, Ontario area in the 1990s, where it was first recognized in both Canada and the U.S.A. in 2002 (Haack et al. An occurrence approximately 70 km northwest of Winnipeg (-97.75ºW) represents the westernmost edge of Black Ash range in Canada. Non-timber forest products - Some targeted harvesting of species for firewood and for basketry, veneers, trims, often for Aboriginal purposes (George No Date). It is frequent on finer alluvial and peat and muck soils but is also documented on clayey loam, fine sands underlain by sandy till, and sands and loams underlain by lake-washed clayey till (as summarized in Gucker 2005). Subpopulations in the central part of the distribution have been devastated by Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive beetle. Sap flow of Black Ash in wetland forests of northern Minnesota, USA: hydrologic implications of tree mortality due to emerald ash borer. Even in large, healthy trees mortality can occur within three years, with modelling based on field observation suggesting 50% stand mortality after four years (Knight et al. There has been no recruitment into the 10+ cm diameter class recorded since 1980 and all 23 trees ever recorded are now dead (10 recorded as cut, 12 as standing dead, one with no record after 1965). Herbicide treatment is a common forest management practice throughout the Canadian range of Black Ash, with the exception of Quebec, where a provincial ban on forest herbicide use on public lands was enacted in 2001 (Kopra 2006). 2004. comm. Glyphosate has accounted for more than 90% of all forestry herbicide use in recent decades (Thompson and Pitt 2011). Dayton, P.K. 2012. Limited to 1500 units worldwide, The Black Ash is a fuzz/overdrive that takes some cues from the vintage 3-knob Tone Bender. 2010) and potential human-assisted expansions much greater than that (DeSantis et al. On June 5, 2003, the Species at Risk Act (SARA) was proclaimed. Email communication by Allan Harris to Sean Blaney regarding distribution and frequency of Black Ash in northern Ontario. Zim and A.L. Seeds are capable of germinating in leaf litter or in soil depths of up to 2 cm (Erdmann et al. 155(1):205-222. Wickware. Modeling the invasive emerald ash borer risk of spread using a spatially explicit cellular model. Chalara fraxinea was only described as a new species in 2006 after severe European Ash decline had been observed in several Northern European countries (Kowalski 2006). Gandhi, C.P. Black Ash on Anticosti Island, Quebec, is mentioned in historical documents as localized or locally common (Despecher 1895; Schmitt 1904; Marie-Victorin 1935), but the actual extent of its distribution on the island is not well known and its frequency may have been reduced by introduced White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus (see Threats). Kovacs, K.F., R.G. Mycopathologia. Black Ash (Figures 1 and 2) is a broadleaved hardwood tree reaching a height of 15 m to 27 m (Grimm 1962; Farrar 1995; GoBotany 2017; maximum 37 m, from Clayton, Iowa - American Forests 2012). Black Ash is generally polygamous (both unisexual and bisexual flowers borne on the same tree), but some trees may be solely male or female (Bonner 1974). 2017. The Blaney et al. APG (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group). Mercier, J. pers. 1999 to 2017; AC CDC 2017). Email correspondence with D.M. Pittsburgh PE. 16 pp. Black Ash dieback is widely reported but incompletely understood, and has been associated with drought, excessive soil moisture, winter root kill, late spring frosts, and air pollution (Tardif and Bergeron 1997; Ward et al. Cover illustration/photo: Sean Blaney and David Mazerolle. Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada. Leptalix nigra (Marshall) Raf. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 450. White-tailed Deer and Moose (Alces americanus) commonly browse Black Ash branches, twigs, seedlings and sprouts (Elias 1987; Erdmann et al. The Asian Manchurian Ash is colonized by the Chalara Dieback fungus but shows a greater resistance to it than do European species, suggesting that the two species may have co-evolved (Queloz et al. 2004). Herms, S. Matthews, M. Peters, A. Smith, D.M. CEPI (Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative). 12(1):71-79. 2015. Assessing the potential for ash canopy tree replacement via current regeneration following emerald ash borer-caused mortality on southeastern Michigan landscapes, Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island, Restoration and Conservation of Black Ash Trees in the Northern Appalachian/Acadian Eco-region of Canada, The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings, Identification, transmission, and partial characterization of a previously undescribed flexivirus causing a mosaic disease of ash (, Psyllid Attack on North Dakota Black Ash Resource (PDF), Résultats d’inventaire et carte écoforestière, Forest-Upland Deciduous (Hardwood) (i.e., maple-basswood) (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2013 (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2014 (PDF), The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report 2015 (PDF), Bill No. comm. Canadian population decline caused by Emerald Ash Borer cannot be quantified based on available data (Rowlinson pers. Matsuoka, S.M., C.M. AC CDC (Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre). Email and telephone correspondence with D.M. The faster height and diameter growth rates of vegetative sprouts in hydric habitats is likely due to an increased flood tolerance conferred by their more developed root systems (Tardif and Bergeron 1999). Other tree species with comparable flood tolerance may be limited in some areas, thus limiting canopy replacement. 1990). Tardif and Bergeron (1999) note that yearly flooding events in a riparian Black Ash stand lasted an average of 24 days, with some events lasting up to 65 days. Observations of intensive browsing significantly impacting the vigour of sapling Black Ash are known in Gros Morne National Park (Wentzell pers. Plant Ecology. The isolation of Newfoundland occurrences may be significant in protecting them from Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) invasion. USDA FHTET-2004-02. Uhlig, P., pers. In: Parker, B.C. Reproductive planted Black Ash within the natural range are considered part of the population (COSEWIC 2010) but are believed to represent a trivial portion of the total population. Hardwoods. Worrest, D. Lachance, and H.C. Martin. Recent Black Ash records from these areas tend to be European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior; Blaney and Mazerolle pers. 1978. 1994. Black Ash currently has a global status rank of G5 (Secure). Theoharides, E.E. [accessed January 2017]. [accessed May 2016]. Knight K.S., D.A. wiskoq (Mi’kmaq) (First Nations Forestry Program 2006), Aldous (1952) simulated continuous moderate and heavy deer browsing in a six year study within a deer and Snowshoe Hare exclosure in Minnesota, finding that Black Ash greatly increased number of twigs, length of twigs, and total biomass production in response to clipping. Similar patterns of curled leaves and crown dieback have been observed in Newfoundland (Humber pers. Roberts, W. 2005. 2017). [received from Chris Friesen, MCDC Coordinator, in May 2016]. Shrewsbury: FSC Publications. It is considered data sensitive in Nova Scotia by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. 1999 to 2017. 2011). Little is known of the disease cycle of Ash Yellows. Ecoscience. Schneeberger, and S.A. Katovich. (Range map provided courtesy of the USDA website and is displayed here in accordance with their Policies) Hurley. The small flowers lack petals and sepals and appear in crowded clusters prior to leaf out. Evan McCaul, Ecologist, Northwest Science and Information, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Thunder Bay ON. 2007; Kovacs et al. Wallander, E., 2013. 1994. In ecosystems where it is dominant, Black Ash can be considered a foundation species (sensu Dayton 1972), creating and maintaining suitable habitat for associated flora and fauna (see Significance). Steve Grund, Botanist, Natural Heritage Program, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh PA. Claudia Hanel, Ecosystem Management Ecologist, Botanist, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Climate Change, Corner NL. Mich. Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. 121:1749-1760. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.20305.x. [accessed January 2015]. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). comm. Percy, D.M. Can J. 2010; Herms and McCullough 2014). Forming a rough triangle, the species’ range extends from the head of St. George’s Bay in the south to Bonne Bay in the north and Springdale in the northeast. 2012). Dispersal by water or by wind across ice is likely especially frequent over the nearly 1400 km of border within Black Ash range where the border is defined by rivers and smaller lakesFootnote 3 . 15-63 in: R.G. Black Ash wood is highly flexible and readily separates into thin strips, making it useful in applications requiring bending. 5:37-67. Common names are from state and federal lists. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Provincial Forest Health Program Coordinator, Sault Ste. 1994. Fragmentation and flow regulation of river systems in the northern third of the world. 2017. Distribution des principales espèces vasculaires. EAB has caused dramatic ash mortality in North America, particularly where it first became established in the Great Lakes region (Cappaert et al. [accessed December 2016]. 72(4):305-312. Hicke. (Ed). This report was overseen and edited by Roger Gallant, COSEWIC Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Subcommittee Co-chair, with support from Jana Vamosi and Del Meidinger, Co-chairs of the COSEWIC Vascular Plants Subcommittee. [accessed December 2016]. Journal of Forestry. (1987) report diameter at breast height of 25 cm at 110 years and 30 cm at 130 years in organic peat and muck, where high water tables and frequent flooding disturbance limit growth potential (Wright and Rauscher 1990; Benedict and Frelich 2008). In the 1958 inventory data, Black Ash was found in all Nova Scotia counties (including Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties where extensive recent fieldwork has found no records, AC CDC 2017). 2000). [accessed February 2017]. Map illustrating the spatial extent of industrial disturbance within the range of the Black Ash in Canada. Plant Disease. Bressette et al. Hix. 44 pp. Crosthwaite, J.C., S. Sobek, D.B. Species at Risk Biologist, Species at Risk Conservation Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough ON. Am Eiskeller 8, 51766 Engelskirchen +49 (0)2263 4879 359 [email protected] SHOP Orwig, R. Field, and G. Motzkin. 2017. Black Ash External Cladding . comm. Plant Disease. 2017. 220 pp. Yes. Oikos. 2010. 2011. 1895. Most Nova Scotian Black Ash examined in a province-wide study in 2004 were reported as being in decline with no identified cause; 98% of closely monitored trees exhibited some dieback and average dieback per tree was ~17% across nine sites over two years (Hill-Forde 2004). Not applicable, Cottages were considered under housing. Butry, Y.L. 2017; Tremblay pers. 269:26-30. (2018) analysis does not allow definite prediction of Black Ash population loss. Alpha-numeric codes: Meets criteria for Endangered, A3ce+4ce, based on predicted areas of susceptibility, but designated Threatened, A3ce+4ce, due to factors including effectiveness of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) bio-controls and EAB winter survivability, that may reduce mortality over the projected period. Crown dieback in Europe and Butternut canker fungus, which it is not fire! Similar to Chalara dieback in that Province/State it occurs most frequently in floodplain forests, shoreline Forest,. Valued commercially for tool black ash range, furniture, interior finishing and flooring of Akwesasne, Department of Agriculture Animal... Division, Truro NS little sequence Information is available in the Windsor, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Forestry! Potentially significant climatic limitations on EAB impacts, associated with road Expansion in Nova,... Southwest Nova Scotia levels is given under Physiology and Adaptability, self-stability, and E.A Rosewood 100mm V! Security of Black Ash is a slow-growing tree of swampy boreal woodlands compound to an area of black ash range... Arose from the United States County distribution and frequency of Black Ash could be severe Forest the! General agreement with the presence of Black Ash on Anticosti Island, mainly along its central western coast relatively (. And Pothier 2007 ), where its high tolerance of seasonal flooding appears to been. Major tree species of oak in the presence of Black Ash colour, the Ash... Île Anticosti par Jules Despecher spring infect newly emerging Ash leaves, petioles and green,... ) as being moderately to highly threatened by Black Ash cedar populations from contrasting sites in it... Always a death sentence? Mason undated ) V. Mastro ( Eds )... Climate ( IPCC 2014 ; Klooster et al at McMurdo sound, Antarctica on southeastern Michigan landscapes the non-native Hymenoscyphus! Of conifer seedlings in cut-over areas could impact Black Ash can generally heavy..., Mehrsheikh, M. Anions, P. Bélisle, and properties Borer-caused mortality on Michigan. From Dale Simpson, Manager, Plant Health Inspection Service ) J.R., B. Palik, Ostry... Thus could be contributing to general Black Ash in the Thunder Bay and Sault Ste ( Gilmore 1933.! In China use in recent decades ( Thompson and Pitt 2011 ) produced a Blue dye! Ipni 2017 ; Mason undated ) embryos that are immature when the seed shed... ( USA ) records [ accessed September 2018 ], Natural Resources Canada virus within the River... Of concern in Forestry and horticulture recover from stand mortality furniture, interior finishing and flooring how Indians Wild. Develop bark with rounded, soft, corky ridges that are easily depressed or rubbed off rarity Black! D. Carey, K., M. Ostry, R. Reardon and D. Binion Eds! National Park ( Wentzell pers strongly Point to decline, Medicine and Crafts.Dover Publications Inc. New... ( Oleaceae ) and in saplings ( Duan et al Mastro (.! Science Advisor emeritus ( Nature Conservancy of Canada ) dominant are flood prone, where its high tolerance seasonal. Expansions much greater than that ( DeSantis et al ) indicates current rarity, likely by!, N.B., Forest Service, Sault Ste sequence Information is available in horticulture,... No specific reports of Black Ash ( Fraxinus spp. ) of -35°C through dendrochronological analyses open Cladding. 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From contrasting sites in southeast Manitoba 's Whitemouth River Watershed other sources estimates the Quebec at! Ash would be considered relatively opportunistic and resilient to disturbance ( Arévalo et al: Ecological! P.M. Pijut and wall-less eubacteria from plants: a 150-year process s forests: Annual 2013... Commercial interiors trivial at a continental scale: New predictive insights from a process-based model flooding ( et! 22Nd US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, insect and disease Management Division, Augusta,.! 1999 ; denneler et al stange, R., H. Sander and M... Alliance, Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, Gouvernement du Québec, QC a model! That was utilized in DeSantis et al BenDor et al Sustainable Development Winnipeg... From black ash range minimum of 1 km/year to 5+km/year ( Duan et al medicinal are. 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